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Signs Of the Times
Tim Padgett
On the weekend after President Obama’s historic announcement on Dec. 17 that he wanted to re-establish diplomatic ties with communist Cuba, I visited a park in Miami’s Little Havana section.Cuban exiles were holding a protest against normalizing relations with Havana, which were severed
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Underlining the failure of the Nigerian government to stop the violent rampage of Boko Haram, a Catholic bishop has called for Western military intervention. The Muslim militant group’s increasingly deadly assaults and expanded recruitment from countries across North Africa mean “a conce
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
An increasingly influential German cardinal spoke to a packed auditorium at Stanford University on Jan. 15 about the challenge of organizing a free and open society that is linked with the common good. “It is important for the church to be in the great questions of social justice,” said
Signs Of the Times
Minneapolis on Jan. 16 became the 12th U.S. Catholic diocese to file for bankruptcy protection because of the unmanageable costs of settlements and future claims resulting from sexual abuse by clergy. • The number of people falling victim to the Ebola virus in West Africa—where at least 8
STORM DAMAGE. the destroyed cathedral in Palo, Philippines—Typhoon Haiyan was one of the most powerful tropical cyclones ever recorded.
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
A worldwide campaign is emerging among Catholic individuals and organizations concerned about climate change and protecting the environment. The Global Catholic Climate Movement went public on Jan. 14, coinciding with the visit of Pope Francis to the Philippines.Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila
Liberian children are seen in home after death of both of their parents due to Ebola virus.
Signs Of the Times
David Stewart
The first days of January always cast their shadow over the coming year’s events, just as the final dwindling days of December encompass and focus the year just ending. We’re meant to look back, if not in anger, at least with relief that we got through it, and it seems, each year with an