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Signs Of the Times

A spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Washington said the decision to cease offering health benefits for spouses to Catholic Charities employees was "extremely difficult."

Signs Of the Times

Church leaders in Pakistan cite a “lethargic attitude” toward attacks on religious minorities.

Signs Of the Times

These churches will be able to retain their Anglican character and much of their liturgy and practices while being in communion with the  Catholic Church.

Signs Of the Times

Archbishop Peter Smith of Cardiff, Wales, praised the director of public prosecutions for removing some of the most troubling provisions.

Signs Of the Times

Plans to declare Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem and the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron Jewish heritage sites have generated outrage.

Signs Of the Times

More than 1,000 Christians walked through Hamdaniya on Sunday Feb. 28 in an appeal to Iraq’s central government for protection.