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Signs Of the Times
Northern Irelands Catholic bishops have met with a loyalist group in an effort to build peace... and reconciliation, said Cardinal Seán Brady.
Signs Of the Times
Notre Dames invitation to President Obama is the latest in a series of controversies concerning the identity of Catholic colleges.
Signs Of the Times
The Vatican called Irans president's recent remarks about Israel at a U.N. conference on racism as extremist and unacceptable
Signs Of the Times
There is this erroneous notion that its unconstitutional if we are talking to religious leaders around the world, said Thomas F. Farr.
Signs Of the Times
The Benedictine priest Stanley L. Jaki (left), a Hungarian-born author, physicist, philosopher and theologian, died on April 7 in Madrid.
Politics & SocietySigns Of the Times
America Staff
Currently, if anything about Christianity is taught, it is about the Crusades and the Inquisition. There is no teaching of comparative religion.