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Signs Of the Times

Sister Carol Keehan decried reports that Catholic health care leaders are “working at cross-purposes” with the U.S. bishops on the abortion issue.

Signs Of the Times

The Mexican Catholic bishops’ conference has criticized federal police for bursting into a Mass in the state of Michoaca.

Signs Of the Times

A Zambian priest said the nation's information minister should resign for accusing the Catholic Church of complicity in the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

Signs Of the Times

A lack of will and finger pointing have contributed to the international community’s failure to stop present-day mass violence.

Signs Of the Times

The local archbishop welcomed the prison sentences a court has given to five people convicted of taking part in the August 2008 anti-Christian violence in Orissa.

Signs Of the Times

The Christian village of Korianin the Punjab province of Pakistan was destroyed July 30 in a violent raid by thousands of Muslims.