Caritas Spain urged the Spanish government to consider the “sinister concrete implications” of the country’s economic crisis.
In just over two decades Niger has cut its rate of infant mortality in half, highlighting the benefits of universal free health care.
Peace talks were scheduled to begin on Oct. 5 in Norway, between the Colombian government and members of the F.A.R.C. guerrillas.
On Oct. 20 the Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) Vatican Foundation will honor the American Jesuit Brian E. Daley, a professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame.
There are few issues in the 2012 presidential campaign on which the major candidates have more clearly differentiated opinions.
Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga called young people between 18 and 24 “an amazing pool of talent we must tap into if we are to relieve poverty in our lifetime.”