According to one report, since June an average of 10 children under the age of 5 have died every day.
Bishop álvaro Ramazzini Imeri of San Marcos, Guatemala, will receive the Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award on Oct. 2.
The attack killed more than 50 bettors and employees and left the nation horrified.
A car bomb exploded on Aug. 2 outside the Holy Family Syrian Catholic church in the city of Kirkuk, leaving at least 20 people injured.
Catholic sisters who live near London neighborhoods hit by riots are working with local authorities to help homeless victims.
it was probably thanks to Jesuit Father Roberto Busa that today’s computers don’t just crunch numbers, but amass, sort and link words, allowing written works online to be easily searched and analyzed. Father Busa died late Aug. 9 at the age of 97