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Signs Of the Times

"As a theologian and apologist, the archbishop has heightened readers’ receptivity to transcendence and opened their minds to revelation,” Father Drew Christiansen said.

Signs Of the Times

After a year of public clashes between bishops and some Catholic colleges, Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick urged university presidents to forge stronger relationships with their local bishops.

Signs Of the Times

Cardinal Claudio Hummes said instances of abuse by priests are “criminal facts that the church can never tolerate in any way."

Signs Of the Times

Malaysian Catholic bishops called the escalation of violence against Christian churches in their country “worrisome and delicate.”

Signs Of the Times

Organizers say more than 100,000 participated in the Washington march this year.

Signs Of the Times

An ad profiling Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow's mother and her decision against medical advice not to abort him is scheduled to air during this weekend's Super Bowl.