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Signs Of the Times
Catholic News Service
Pope Francis has created a five-person commission to review the activities and mission of the Vatican bank. The new pontifical commission, which includes two U.S. members, reflects the pope’s desire to ensure the bank’s activities are in harmony with the mission of the universal church a
Signs Of the Times
Catholic News Service
Three months into his papacy the total number of followers of the pope’s nine Twitter accounts was more than 6.9 million. • For the first time the Davenport, Iowa-based Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award is being taken overseas, to France, where it will be presented on July 7 to Jean
Signs Of the Times
Catholic News Service
The bishops declared their solidarity with the protestors "as long as they are peaceful."
Joseph M. Sullivan
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
President Obama on June 14 nominated Ken Hackett, who served for 18 years as the president of Catholic Relief Services, to be U.S. ambassador to the Holy See. • A bill introduced by the Quebec government on June 12 that redefines palliative care to include “terminal medical sedation&rdquo
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Three bishops weighed in on the ongoing Congressional debate on immigration reform.
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Job creation must become a key component of any United Nations plan to lift people out of poverty around the world, the Vatican’s observer to the United Nations told the International Labor Conference. Speaking during a conference session on June 12, Archbishop Silvano M. Tomasi said, “F