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Signs Of the Times

The embargo “undeniably has a negative influence on the life of the people,” Archbishop Celli told Vatican Radio Nov. 13.

Signs Of the Times
Austen Ivereigh

The CDF is stressing that the Vatican overture was not an initiative of the Holy See but a response to requests from Anglicans who have broken with their church.

Signs Of the Times

An American deacon described at a press conference in London how he was suddenly cured from a severe spinal condition after praying to Cardinal John Henry Newman.

Signs Of the Times

“We are all aware of the special anxieties which surround our women religious these days," Cardinal Roger M. Mahony wrote.

Signs Of the Times

The Nov. 7 House vote was a victory for the national and Catholic pro-life community, though less of an achievement than pro-choice advocates are suggesting.

Signs Of the Times

The bishop who heads the Military Diocese of Great Britain has urged the British government to use diplomacy to bring an end to the 8-year-old conflict