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Signs Of the Times

A statement from the Secretariat of Public Security apologized for a police raid that interrupted a Mass in Michoaca.

Signs Of the Times

Special Olympics founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who died Aug. 11, was "a woman of ardent faith and generous public service" said the apostolic nuncio to the United States.

Signs Of the Times
THE VATICAN -- The church’s positions on bioethical issues and matters of global social justice received marked attention during Pope Benedict XVI’s meeting with President Barack Obama on July 10 in Rome. Mr. Obama had traveled to Rome for the Group of 8 summit, an annual meeting of the
Signs Of the Times
Orphanage staffers are overwhelmed by the number of children being dropped off because their families cannot feed them.
Signs Of the Times

A lack of will and finger pointing have contributed to the international community’s failure to stop present-day mass violence.

Signs Of the Times

The local archbishop welcomed the prison sentences a court has given to five people convicted of taking part in the August 2008 anti-Christian violence in Orissa.