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Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Asked by a French reporter on a flight from Sri Lanka to the Philippines on Jan. 15 to compare freedom of religion and freedom of expression as human rights, Pope Francis condemned violence in the name of God but said freedom of expression should be limited by respect for religion and that mockery o
Signs Of the Times
Catholic News Service
The world cannot wait for an economic system that will cause poverty to fix itself, Pope Francis said. “Markets and financial speculation cannot enjoy absolute autonomy,” he said. There must be “programs, mechanisms and procedures aimed at a better distribution of resources, job cr
STORM DAMAGE. the destroyed cathedral in Palo, Philippines—Typhoon Haiyan was one of the most powerful tropical cyclones ever recorded.
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
A worldwide campaign is emerging among Catholic individuals and organizations concerned about climate change and protecting the environment. The Global Catholic Climate Movement went public on Jan. 14, coinciding with the visit of Pope Francis to the Philippines.Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila
Liberian children are seen in home after death of both of their parents due to Ebola virus.
Signs Of the Times
David Stewart
The first days of January always cast their shadow over the coming year’s events, just as the final dwindling days of December encompass and focus the year just ending. We’re meant to look back, if not in anger, at least with relief that we got through it, and it seems, each year with an
AMONG SCHOOL CHILDREN. Pope Francis made time in Manila on Jan. 16 to visit with the young residents of a home for former street children.
Signs Of the Times
Gerard O’Connell
Beginning the second leg of his South Asian journey, Pope Francis did not mince words when he addressed government and church leaders of the Philippines on Jan. 16. A day after his triumphal arrival from Sri Lanka, he called on them to combat and eliminate “scandalous” social inequalitie
CITY IN RUINS. A young boy of Aleppo emerges from the rubble with what little he could salvage after an Assad regime attack in November.
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights issued a depressing portrait on Jan. 1 of a year in death in Syria. According to the group’s tracking of the many casualties of the ongoing and complex conflict, the civil war in Syria claimed 76,021 lives in 2014. Its researchers acknowledged that this