“At the root of this vice is a false idea of God: we do not accept that God has His own “math,” different from ours,” Pope Francis said in today’s general audience address, read by an aide.
In continuing his catechesis on vices and virtues, Pope Francis warns against the effects of acedia, or sloth, which is a “lack of care” for one’s own life.
“The scope of liturgical reform...is precisely to bring to life the kind of formation of the faithful and ministry of pastors that will have their summit and source in the liturgy.”
“Winning the battle against lust, against the ‘objectification’ of the other, can be a lifelong endeavor,” Pope Francis said today in his general audience.
“If we interpret it from a social point of view, gluttony is perhaps the most dangerous vice, which is killing the planet,” Pope Francis said in his weekly general audience.