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FaithVantage Point
Jane L. Wiesman
"Somewhere beneath all the ritualized, too often trivial, practices of my childhood Lent, there was the feeling that this day for which we were preparing was of great importance."
FaithVantage Point
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Robert F. Drinan's unscheduled retirement
FaithVantage Point
John F. Kavanaugh
We might think the battle for Christmas is over words. But the struggle is waged at a far deeper level of our lives.
FaithVantage Point
Thomas M. King
Teilhard was striving for sanctity by working in science, and this effort would require a new understanding of what it means to be holy.
Arts & CultureVantage Point
Jon Hassler
From July 17, 1999
Edith Stein ca. 1938-1939 (Wikimedia Commons)
FaithVantage Point
Susanne M. Batzdorff
Susanne M. Batsdorff, niece of Edith Stein, reflects on Catholic-Jewish dialogue on the occasion of Stein's canonization in 1998.