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The Word
Dianne Bergant
rsquo Hail full of grace The Lord is with you rdquo Mary was puzzled at such a greeting She was certainly familiar with God rsquo s mysterious presence in the Holy of Holies which made the temple in Jerusalem so sacred But this greeting was addressed to her The Lord was with her And she wa
The Word
Dianne Bergant
In some parts of the country it seems there are only two seasons winter and road construction The excitement of a trip is often tempered by detours and single-lane traffic Major sports events political conventions or an upcoming visit by dignitaries also prompt the repair of our roads though
FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
If these are the signs of our times, how can we say that our redemption is at hand?
FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
The liturgical year is a kind of journey through the mysteries of salvation.
The Word
Dianne Bergant
Both the first and the third readings for today begin with the words ldquo In those days rdquo Of which days are the writers speaking And why are they so filled with terror and destruction nbsp These accounts reflect ancient Israelite understanding of the endtime not to be confused with the
The Word
Dianne Bergant
Some might wonder why we celebrate the dedication of a basilica that most of us will never visit Is it simply because it is the ldquo pope rsquo s church rdquo Or as the ldquo mother church rdquo of all churches should this basilica and this commemoration remind us that we are all children o