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MagazineYour Take
Our readers

Changing Consciousness

Re “A Call to Prayer,” by Tim Shriver (1/7): Father Thomas Keating changed the consciousness of many of us who have rested in God through “centering prayer.” His great quality of humility models for us a new way of being in our divided world. My father died last week, and I can attest that my centering prayer practice helped keep me present, loving and trusting through my dad’s difficult eight months of hospice care.

FaithYour Take
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Respondents reported a variety of accommodations for people with disabilities in their parishes, while also calling on their communities to do more to support parishioners with special needs.
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Presented with 10 films and television specials, readers had a variety of favorites.
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When asked who they donate money to, respondents mostly named local organizations, such as those that support the homeless.
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
I see what the author speaks of and realize that they are all gifts God has placed in our lives to show God’s presence and grace.
Politics & SocietyYour Take
Our readers
Respondents cited current events as evidence for how irresponsible political rhetoric can result in violence.