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MagazineYour Take
Our readers
“Am I interested and concerned about the widening sex abuse scandal? Heck yes. It deeply grieves me. But I trust God’s work within our church.”
FaithYour Take
Our readers
“If they care about money above all, maybe they will listen to our outrage more once they suffer financially.”
FaithYour Take
Our readers
“The church should provide opportunities for young people to live out their faith in the world, not just keep it in a building during class or Mass.”
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
"I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If anyone deserves to be a saint, it is Óscar Romero."
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
Let’s face reality.... Only people of means can choose Jesuit education.
Politics & SocietyYour Take
Our readers
"I am shocked to see so many attacking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford."