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FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
How do you proclaim God’s promises with boldness?
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
The baptism of Jesus is the first demonstration of the loving relationship that all believers will come to share with God.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Jesus’ disciples today must seek opportunities to share the divine love they have received.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
The Gospel for Christmas Mass at dawn reminds us that distinctions of “sacred and profane” are constructs of the human imagination.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
When we find the place God has made for us, we will feel right at home.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
The miraculous star and exotic messengers reveal Jesus’ messianic role.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Even the simplest moment has in it a world-changing significance for anyone who is ready to find the work of God.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Many dreamed of an apocalyptic day when God would sweep oppressive realities away.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
In Luke’s Gospel, the kingdom appears gradually, like the gathering clouds of a storm.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
John the Baptist affirmed that God was at work, preparing a savior who would clean out Israel’s spiritual and moral corruption.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Building our lives around divine love will give our words the power to heal, to deliver and to save.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
A disciple who seeks these signs can help the risen Christ restore some fallen corner of creation.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Many of the great saints typify one or more of the beatitudes.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Whatever we give—time, resources, skills, attention—the offering ought to be like the widow’s: complete, courageous and with total trust in grace.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Jesus drew on the biblical meaning of love, commanding unwavering loyalty to God and neighbor.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
The Evangelists had come to believe that Jesus was indeed the bearer of divine authority.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Mark’s community found themselves waiting for deliverance during a time of great distress.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Only a life spent pursuing the love of God will leave something that survives the encounter with death.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
God’s dream for humanity is bigger than the social realities of the day.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Those who wait on the least will be the ones in whom God will find a reflection of the Son.