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Politics & SocietyFeatures
Rachel Lu
We must call Americans back to the political vision that enabled us to become a free people.
Colleen Dulle
The ultimate goal is to prepare the men to be able to build strong and healthy relationships with their parishioners.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Kevin Clarke
Humankind has been a constant witness to wars and rumors of wars, but we seem to be entering a particularly conflict-cursed time.
A graphic illustration of a hospital bed with a cross on the wall
Michael J. O’Loughlin
Do Catholic hospitals have to choose between mission and the market?
Colleen Jurkiewicz
The church helped me heal after my miscarriage. That’s what every grieving mother deserves.
Church Brew Works in Pittsburgh, Pa., was once a Catholic Church, but the building was sold in 1993.
John W. Miller
The Catholic Church, the largest private real estate owner in the world, faces decisions about what to do with its extensive real estate portfolio.