Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
Robert Giroux edited some of the 20th century's leading writers, including some prominent Catholic voices like Flannery O'Connor, Walker Percy and Thomas Merton.
Arts & CultureVantage Point
Robert Giroux
In 1988, famed publisher Robert Giroux related his memories of what it was like to read and publish Thomas Merton's 'The Seven Storey Mountain.'
Arts & CultureBooks
James Martin, S.J.
'Remembering the Forgotten Merton' is a brief biography of Thomas Merton’s brother John Paul, whom Merton fans know primarily through the powerful elegy that Merton composed to mark his brother’s death as a fighter pilot in the Second World War.
Arts & CultureBooks
Gregory Hillis
'The Seven Storey Mountain,' a book whose 75th anniversary is celebrated this month, is widely considered a spiritual classic, and it continues to find new readers every year.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
John Moffitt, the longtime poetry editor of 'America,' met Thomas Merton the week Merton died, and wrote of the account for 'America.'
FaithFaith in Focus
Paul Wilkes
Brother Mary Joseph lay in state at Mepkin Abbey, his simple funeral liturgy soon to begin, fitting for a man who lived a simple life at the South Carolina Trappist monastery.