Sister Haddad, the president and chief executive officer of the Catholic Health Association, wonders why any fair observer should be surprised to discover that Catholic institutions would adhere to Catholic teaching on abortion and contraception.
Are there extremists on the fringe of the pro-life movement? Yes. But on the pro-abortion side, extremism is very much in the driver’s seat—and mainstream media protect it through bias and misinformation.
As a large voting bloc that is “split down the middle,” Catholics have an outsized role in determining this year’s election results. Will they focus on abortion, the economy or some other political issue?
The FBI arrested a prominent Catholic pro-life activist in Pennsylvania known for his sidewalk counseling for allegedly assaulting an abortion clinic volunteer.
Those counseling abortion after a rape offer the vain hope that more violence will bring peace to the victim. But no mother needs to become the agent of death for her own child.