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Catholic News Service
English bishops welcomed a Court of Appeal ruling that a pregnant mentally disabled woman did not need to have an abortion.
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
Kevin Clarke
While the sudden rush of limiting legislation has cheered many advocates within the prolife community, some worry that the rush to ban or restrict abortion could backfire.
Politics & SocietyNews
Simon Caldwell - Catholic News Service
Abortions in England and Wales have hit a record level, according to statistics released by the British government.
Pro-life advocate Joe San Pietro participates in a 40 Days for Life vigil near the entrance to a Planned Parenthood center in Smithtown, N.Y., on March 26. (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz)
Politics & SocietyExplainer
Ellen K. Boegel
The Supreme Court has overruled longstanding precedents before, writes Ellen K. Boegel, but usually to end the confusion or chaos from an ‘erroneous’ decision. Will a majority describe Roe v. Wade that way?
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
Springfield Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki issued a decree June 6 stating that Catholic lawmakers in the Illinois Legislature "who promoted or voted for extreme abortion legislation" cannot receive Communion in churches in his diocese.
Politics & SocietyNews
Elizabeth Bachmann - Catholic News Service
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services banned the National Institutes of Health from using human fetal stem cells from electively aborted babies for government funded research June 5.