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Arts & CultureFilm
Zoe Ramushu
This feature film shot in Lesotho is the small landlocked country’s first submission to the Oscars in the category of Best International Feature Film.
A man receives a vaccine against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at the Masaka hospital in Kigali, Rwanda, March 5, 2021. (CNS photo/Jean Bizimana, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Kevin Clarke
“We will never get [the pandemic] under control here in the United States until we get it under control everywhere,” C.R.S.'s Sean Callahan said.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Kevin Clarke
The debt crisis in the developing world threatens a staggering impact on the world’s most vulnerable people. “We’re approaching the greatest wave of debt crises and debt restructurings the world has ever seen.”
A woman wades through floodwaters in Busia, Kenya, May 3, 2020. Across East Africa, flooding has resulted from months of excessive rainfall, which has also triggered landslides and mudslides. It has left thousands homeless and destroyed farmland. (CNS photo/Thomas Mukoya, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Patrick Egwu
President Biden's turnabout on the Paris climate accords was cheered by environmental activists in Africa, a continent that contributes a tiny amount to the problem of global warming but stands to suffer mightily because of climate change.
Arts & CultureBooks
James F. Keenan, S.J.
Paul Farmer's new book explores his work with others in West Africa. Farmer and his team went there to respond to the longest and largest Ebola epidemic in recorded history.
FaithFaith in Focus
Robert Ellsberg
Even as a child she sensed that Africa was her destiny, the roots of her mission vocation found in a fourth-grade geography textbook that pictured giraffes loping across the plain