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Politics & SocietySigns Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
The Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference, which includes the bishops of Sudan and South Sudan, said in a statement released on Nov. 8 that "there is nothing more needed than forgiveness"; to heal the divisions both countries have experienced over decades of conflict.
Politics & SocietySigns Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources

Iraqi Christians gathered on Oct. 25 at the Church of our Lady of Perpetual Help in Ainkawa, Turkey, to offer prayers of support for Iraqi forces pressing an offensive against the Islamic State around Mosul. • President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela met privately with Pope Francis an Oct. 24 as the Vatican began a mediation effort to end the political and economic crisis in Venezuela. • Rapid growth in the number of men entering St. John’s Seminary prompted the Archdiocese of Boston to buy back space from Boston College on Oct. 20.

South African President Jacob Zuma is seen in Cape Town, South Africa, Feb. 12, 2015. (CNS photo/Pool via EPA)
Politics & SocietySigns Of the Times
Anthony Egan, S.J.
Chaos and intransigence in the universities is matched by absurd criminal charges against a minister of finance who may only be doing his job too well.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Russell Pollitt, S.J.
The bishops said they were deeply concerned that a South African withdrawal will “influence and encourage other African countries to leave the court en masse.”
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Russell Pollitt, S.J.
The vice chancellor had to be escorted out of the church, over the sanctuary and through the back entrance, protected by clergy, peace monitors and organizers of the meeting.
Politics & SocietyNews
Bronwen Dachs - Catholic News Service
"Since genuine attempts to dialogue and find a resolution to the crisis seem to have ended, Trinity is regrettably no longer available as a venue for meeting," the Jesuits said.