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Arts & CultureFaith
Isabelle Senechal
Christmas songs that invoke Jesus’ name or mention the Nativity story are not automatically more respectful than Christmas songs that don’t.
Photo courtesy of Holy Angels Catholic Church
Arts & CultureArt
Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J.
Since 1990 a vibrant black parish has worshiped before the marvelous mural by Engelbert Mveng, S.J.
Arts & CultureArt
Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J.
“The Warmth of Other Suns: Stories of Global Displacement” is a lesson on how art can awaken us to the unprecedented crisis of refugees and displaced persons now numbering 70.8 million.
 “The Good Samaritan” by Jan Scorel, 1537 (photo: Alamy)
Arts & CultureIdeas
Michial Farmer
Abstraction is fundamentally inhuman, even anti-human.
“Cruz for Bishop Oscar Romero, Martyr of El Salvador” by Michael Tracy was featured in an exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art at St. Louis University. (Photo: MOCRA).
Arts & CultureArt
Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J.
The Museum of Contemporary Religious Art at St. Louis University stands out for its singular focus on art that is genuinely interfaith.
FaithFaith in Focus
Valarie Lee James
Any hand stitcher will tell you: To embroider or crochet slowly mends the spirit, stitch by stitch.