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Arts & CultureVantage Point
Jerry Ruff Jr.
Five months after the "Plowshares Eight" performed a peace witness at the G.E. plant in King of Prussia, Pa., its members—including the Rev. Carl Kabat—were found guilty of burglary, criminal mischief and criminal conspiracy. Father Kabat is profiled here.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Jim McDermott
Pope Francis has not weighed in on the new show. (As he doesn’t watch television, this is not unexpected.) But on his behalf, we have a couple of notes we’d like to share from a Catholic perspective.
Fielder’s new project “The Rehearsal” is streaming on HBO Max (photo: HBO).
Arts & CultureTelevision
Doug Girardot
Rather than using jokes to make a larger point, Nathan Fielder’s “The Rehearsal” derives its humor from making fun of ordinary people.
C.S Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien were the two most famous members of the Inklings, an informal literary club that met at Oxford in the mid-20th century (photo: Alamy).
Arts & CultureBooks
Rachel Lu
As modern-day evangelists, C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien are simply unrivaled.
Arts & CultureBooks
Ron Marasco
Must art always promote a particular idea or ideology? Jed Perl argues that “the artist in the act of creation must stand firm in the knowledge that art has its own laws and logic.”
Arts & CultureBooks
Mary Grace Mangano
Katy Carl's debut novel traces the slow growth of love between two people thirsting for something more out of life.