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Arts & CultureFilm
Zoe Ramushu
This feature film shot in Lesotho is the small landlocked country’s first submission to the Oscars in the category of Best International Feature Film.
‘Collective’ joins the ranks of great films about investigative journalism (photo: IMDB)
Arts & CultureFilm
Ryan Di Corpo
The 2020 nominees for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature showcase a wide array of topics, from the injustices of incarceration to the blossoming friendship between a man and an octopus.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Michael Cadnum
The snake is a word unwriting itself.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Renny Golden
Now they are at the mercy of the merciless.
Arts & CultureBooks
Ciaran Freeman
Douglas Stuart’s novel is an appropriate winner of the Booker Prize for the desolate year in which March seems never to have ended.
Arts & CultureBooks
Mike Mastromatteo
The veteran novelist has an esteemed track record of finely crafted stories that explore the human propensity to sow injury rather than beneficence.