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Arts & CultureIdeas
Vivian Cabrera
Authored by a member of the force that protects Pope Francis, "The Vatican Christmas Cookbook" explores the food and traditions that make for a happy holiday
Arts & CultureMusic
Nicholas D. Sawicki
The Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra celebrated the scientists in their community who helped to develop one of the Covid-19 vaccines.
Arts & CultureMusic
Matt Maher
Featuring Bob Dylan, old folk songs and live orchestral recordings.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Jim McDermott
Hidden amid its meme-ready moments, “The Mandalorian” is quietly investigating the inadequacy of our ideas about each other.
David Bowie, Joni MItchell and Chance the Rapper (Wikimedia)
Arts & CultureMusic
David Dark
During Advent, expectant alertness is commended to us as a lived attitude. Shall we live it out in song?
Arts & CultureJesuitical
2020 has been an absolutely awful year (no citation needed). But is it O.K. for us to take a step back and laugh at it all?