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Arts & CultureBooks
Kirsty Jane Falconer
Anglican theologian and biblical scholar N. T. Wright argues that the only way to real understanding is the revelation of God in Jesus Christ.
The funeral of Bishop Juan José Gerardi Conedera (photograph courtesy of HBO)
Arts & CultureTelevision
Nick Ripatrazone
“The Art of Political Murder” reveals what happened when the government finally had enough of Bishop Juan José Gerardi Conedera.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Colleen Dulle
Pope Francis will appear in a new Netflix docu-series that highlights the stories of elderly people from around the world.
Arts & CultureMusic
Kevin Christopher Robles
Taylor Swift's followup to "Folklore" is a tour-de-force that showcases all of the singer-songwriter's talents, with stories of love, loss, woe and even one about murder.
Arts & CultureFilm
John Anderson
The last movie in his “Godfather” trilogy was critically eviscerated when it debuted, and “The Godfather: Coda, The Death of Michael Corleone” seems a last-ditch effort to redeem the film.
Arts & CultureMusic
Stephen G. Adubato
Reggaeton speaks to me of God, in part because it awakened in me the tensions and longings of simply being human.