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Arts & CultureBooks
America Staff
In the spirit of Halloween, we offer a selection of frightening books with Catholic themes—some written by Catholic authors, some not—that will haunt you into at least tomorrow, and maybe forever.
Arts & CultureShort Take
James T. Keane
An exciting new version of Psalm 137 has been discovered, and it gives comfort to a long-suffering people.
Arts & CultureLast Take
Eileen Markey
The death of renowned reporter Jim Dwyer is a loss for New York City—as well as for all the people he influenced, informed, or touched in other ways over the course of an impressive life.
Arts & CultureFilm
Erika Rasmussen
“Rebecca” tickles at mystery’s itch along our skin.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Nicole-Ann Lobo
“Selling Sunset” paints an unapologetic portrait of our brutal capitalist culture.
Arts & CultureBooks
Patrick Gilger, S.J.
Jason Blakely show that the very tools we human beings use to try to understand the world in fact end up constructing it, for better or for worse.