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Arts & CultureBooks
Mike Mastromatteo
Dorothy Day lived a life that today poses significant challenges for just about anyone mindful of the least of our brethren.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Joe Hoover, S.J.
Poetry is an attempt to say the unsayable, to capture what ultimately eludes.
Paul Mescal as Connell and Daisy Edgar Jones as Marianne in ‘Normal People’ (photo: Hulu).  
Arts & CultureTelevision
Ciaran Freeman
Class gets placed front and center in this upstairs-downstairs romance between an upper class girl and her maid’s son.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
Kevin Spinale
Among the many clichés operative in Covid-time (“in these uncertain times,” “the new normal”), there is the sturdy cliché, “now more than ever.” Well, I think we need comedy now more than ever.
Nazario Gerardi plays Francis in “The Little Flowers of St. Francis” (The Criterion Collection)
Arts & CultureFilm
John Anderson
Encountering Roberto Rossellini’s “The Flowers of St. Francis,” which turns 70 this year, will be an odd experience for most first-timers.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Joe Hoover, S.J.
Would you take your daughter there, the unholiest there you guess you could go?