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Arts & CultureBooks
Sean Dempsey, S.J.
The new book by the historians Mike Davis and Jon Wiener takes readers on a picaresque voyage around Los Angeles during the “long sixties” (1960-1973).
Arts & CultureTelevision
Kevin Jackson
The first thing I noticed when tuning into “The Last Dance” were Michael Jordan’s eyes. The second was his glass of tequila.
Miguel de Unamuno has been mostly forgotten in the English-speaking world, but he was one of the most important Spanish intellectuals of the twentieth century (photo: AP).
Arts & CultureBooks
Michial Farmer
The short story “San Manuel Bueno, Martir” by the Spanish existentialist Miguel de Unamuno can help us to sort out the feelings of the unbelieving minister.
Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
From features on contemporary writers to looks back at some of our greatest literary figures, along with poetry, biography, social criticism and more, our Spring Books 2020 issue has something for everyone (well, almost everyone).
Arts & CultureBooks
Renée Darline Roden
Like language, cartography is a miracle that insists the unique slice of universe we view from the perspective of our own minds and hearts is—against all odds—expressible.
Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
We have found at the Catholic Book Club that different genres and authors inspire different readers and broad variations in discussion, another reason to mix it up a bit in terms of genres and styles. Our two most recent selections have been no exception.