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Arts & CultureBooks
Renée Darline Roden
Like language, cartography is a miracle that insists the unique slice of universe we view from the perspective of our own minds and hearts is—against all odds—expressible.
Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
We have found at the Catholic Book Club that different genres and authors inspire different readers and broad variations in discussion, another reason to mix it up a bit in terms of genres and styles. Our two most recent selections have been no exception.
Arts & CultureBooks
Ryan Di Corpo
Jim Forest's memoir functions as both a personal history and a snapshot of a tumultuous era in American society—the 1960s—when Forest solidified his opposition to unjust war and his faith in active nonviolence.
Bob Odenkirk as Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman in ‘Better Call Saul’ (photo: AMC)
Arts & CultureTelevision
Rob Weinert-Kendt
For a few remarkable seasons, AMC’s “Better Call Saul” seemed not only as good as its predecessor, but in some ways arguably better.
Photo: Netflix
Arts & CultureTelevision
John Anderson
When someone refers to a “foul” system, he is not talking only about law enforcement and prosecution.
Arts & CultureBooks
Joshua Hren
Noted for his acid tongue, Evelyn Waugh hated the United States and its citizens and let them know it. However, he felt more and more drawn to them on repeated visits.