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Arts & CultureFilm
Ryan Di Corpo
Brooding, interior and utterly focused, Mr. von Sydow is a stirring presence on screen, with a weathered face apt to illustrate inner spiritual turmoil.
Arts & CultureBooks
Aidan Johnson
If anything, the dystopia is even scarier in the sequel, which provides terrifying detail on the history of the Christian fundamentalist regime that overthrows the United States at Gilead’s founding.
Arts & CultureBooks
Maureen K. Day
Maureen Day is an assistant professor of religion and society at the Franciscan School of Theology and the author of Catholic Activism Today: Personal Transformation and the Struggle for Social Justice.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Jason M. Baxter
What did Notre-Dame mean? What did it feel like to step into it in the Middle Ages?
Arts & CultureBooks
Jenny Shank
Castillo writes with gorgeous precision and sensitivity about his experience as a boy growing into a man in a country that will not recognize him, his family split across borders.
Arts & CultureBooks
Mark W. Roche
Mark W. Roche is the Joyce Professor of German and former dean of arts and letters at the University of Notre Dame.