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Arts & CultureBooks
Liam Callanan
Can poetry matter? Yes. Can the Catholic writer today matter? Of course. But it is instructive that Gioia’s essay and book title does not ask the latter question.
‘Watchmen‘'s main character, Angela Abraham, right, is played by the ever-outstanding Regina King (photo: HBO).
Arts & CultureTelevision
Jim McDermott
The new show from Damon Lindelof is more than another high concept sci-fi series.
Arts & CultureFilm
Eve Tushnet
With “A Hidden Life,” the writer and director Terrence Malick set himself a bold and perhaps impossible task: using all the visual resources of film to represent faith itself.
Arts & CultureFilm
Eve Tushnet
A Christie parody for Trump’s America, where the embodiment of chastising justice isn’t the detective but the scapegoat, is a strange, potentially powerful concept.
Elizabeth Canavan, Patrice Johnson Chevannes, Kara Young and Benja Kay Thomas in “Halfway Bitches Go Straight to Heaven” (photo: Monique Carboni).
Arts & CultureTheater
Rob Weinert-Kendt
The author of the play “Halfway Bitches Go Straight to Heaven” says prayer may be his most valuable writing hack.
Arts & CultureBooks
Randy Boyagoda
One of Susan Sontag’s strengths was that anything that could be said about her by others was said, first and best, by Susan Sontag