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Arts & CulturePoetry
Peter T. Donahue
your soul, one drop of dew, magnifies the sun
Arts & CultureBooks
Andrew Krivak's new novel is an elegiac tale that resonates deeply with the creation spirituality that has been rising in our collective imagination.
Arts & CultureBooks
Randy Boyagoda
One of Susan Sontag’s strengths was that anything that could be said about her by others was said, first and best, by Susan Sontag
Arts & CultureFilm
Jim McDermott
The story of a film that became an inspiration to Jesuits and their companions worldwide.
Arts & CultureFilm
Ryan Di Corpo
The new film from Terrence Malick tells the dramatic story of the Austrian farmer turned conscientious objector Franz Jägerstätter.
Arts & CultureFilm
Ciaran Freeman
Waves is a film with strong film with a moving story, dynamic themes, and complex characters. But plot holes married with production missteps left me asking many questions.