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Arts & CultureTelevision
Isabelle Senechal
“The Good Class" is a unique hybrid course of philosophy and film studies at the University of Notre Dame.
Arts & CultureFilm
Rob Weinert-Kendt
The film’s central event—the overnight visit of King George and Queen Mary to Downton—is an occasion less for conflict than for catering.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Ronnie Sirmans
When I was a boy, I considered becoming a nun because I didn’t want to shave part of my scalp
Arts & CultureBooks
Haley Stewart
Colleen Carroll Campbell's new book is full of insight into what motivates us to attempt to reach holiness through our own strength and how this obsession holds us back from spiritual progress.
Arts & CultureLast Take
Alejandro Nava
A theology professor reflects on the spirituality of hip-hop.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Nick Ripatrazone
It is a great set up for a television series—and yes, the comparisons to Scully and Mulder are warranted.