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Arts & CultureBooks
Tobias Winright
The costs of medicine in the United States are addressed in different, though complementary, ways in two new books on broken U.S. health care.
Arts & CultureBooks
Kate Stein
A new book on sea-level rise by Elizabeth Rush is a welcome addition to the small but growing canon on what the changing climate means for U.S. residents.
Arts & CultureFilm
Ciaran Freeman
Should filmmakers make the pain of addiction bearable to watch? In "Beautiful Boy" and "Ben is Back" they try.
Arts & CultureBooks
Andrea Vicini
A new book offers continuing critical reflection on the ministry of Catholic health care.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Joe Hoover, S.J.
Entrants to this year’s contest included poems about human trafficking, the Mueller Report, priestly abuse and screen addiction.
Arts & CultureFilm
John Anderson
There is a very Christian concept underlying “Rocketman,” namely Elton’s redemption—even if it is from his own biography.