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Arts & CultureFeatures
James K. A. Smith
Rather than framing moral philosophy as just another form of epistemology (how can we know what to do?), Iris Murdoch was asking a more classical question: “How can we make ourselves morally better?” she asks. “These are the questions the philosopher should try to answer.”
Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
Looking back on sports stories designed to educate a certain class of white American male into the virtues of postwar civic culture.
Arts & CultureLast Take
Katelyn Beaty
Oftentimes we find that the people on the other side of a hot-button issue are motivated by good reasoning and deeply held values. They are not the enemy.
photo by Mario Durane
Arts & CultureIdeas
Deniz Demirer
By praying the rosary, she’d know that her mind was on God and not the killers.

Arts & CultureFilm
John Anderson
Under a remarkably convincing recreation of 1819 England is both the brutality and the self-righteousness exhibited by the haves, when the have-nots ask for more.
Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
America has published thousands of book reviews over 110 years...and some of them were more spot-on than others...