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Arts & CultureBooks
Sean Dempsey, S.J.
California governors Pat and Jerry Brown played pivotal roles in a startling array of events in the state's history.
Arts & CultureYour Take
Our readers
When asked if sports build character, 75 percent of respondents said yes and 25 percent said no.
Arts & CultureFeatures
Michael McKinley
Despite its explicit Catholic attributes, N.H.L. players are not known for wearing religion on their sleeves the way players do in other sports leagues, like the National Football League or the National Basketball Association.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Ted Kooser
It wanted to turn, the stern rocking around to the front, taking the place of the bow, the bow to the stern, port to starboard
Arts & CultureBooks
Mary Gibbons
Gary Pomerantz's detailed exploration of Bob Cousy's career touches on the heroic moments and the bitter failures of the Boston Celtics, including a shameful history of racial prejudice.
‘The Work’ follows inmates in an intensive group therapy session at Folsom State Prison (image: IMDB)
Arts & CultureFilm
Gregory Mellor
A 2017 documentary invites viewers into the depths of human souls.