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Arts & CultureBooks
Peter Heinegg
Imagine a trek across many lands--from Xian in central China through Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Afghanistan Iran Turkey and finally Antakya Antioch on the Medite-rraneanby rattletrap buses primitive trains taxis hired cars and trucks one brief plane ride and endless hikes from score
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
Patricia A. Kossmann
A year ago this month in a one-room schoolhouse in the small Amish community called Nickel Mines Lancaster County Pa an otherwise peaceful and idyllic setting was pierced with the ring of gunfire The shooter the father of three was allegedly angry with God over the death of his newborn fi
Arts & CultureBooks
Thomas H. Groome
This is an important book for the crucial question it raises and its mode of response as much as for how well it succeeds It asks about 8220 how to pass on religious tradition to youth in the context of the contemporary culture of the United States 8221 The response derived from papers of a
Arts & CultureBooks
Claire Schaeffer-Duffy
A Middle Eastern murder mystery, reviewed
Arts & CultureOf Many Things
James T. Keane
The agony of October baseball
Arts & CultureBooks
Robert P. Imbelli
What a debt of gratitude all students of theology owe Gerald O 8217 Collins In book after book he has shown himself a sure guide to the most fundamental issues of theology His works on the resurrection on Christology and on the Trinity combine deep knowledge of the tradition with extensive and i