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Arts & CultureBooks
Peter Fink
A book review is meant to give a rough outline of the structure and content of a work some assessment of its merits and a recommendation to those who would most benefit by reading the book Yet as I engage Meeting Mystery and Nathan Mitchell rsquo s exquisite invitation into the realm of Christian
Arts & CultureBooks
Robert F. Walch
Do not be misled by this book 8217 s title The use of girl here hints at a touch of innocence and na vet that assuredly does not apply to the book 8217 s subject The art journalist Lindsay Pollock 8217 s The Girl With the Gallery reconstructs the life of a groundbreaking and largely overlook
Arts & CultureBooks
Robert Reilly
In this thought-provoking study Brother Patrick Hart former secretary to Thomas Merton has drawn from a notable list of collaborators a full spectrum of ideas on the future of monasticism In his Introduction Dom Bernardo Olivera O C S O warns that if monastic life is not continually updated
Arts & CultureBooks
Mark E. Rondeau
The first impulse of many particularly on the right will be to dismiss this book immediately upon reading its title Indeed by mentioning the political F- word and linking it with a war on America Hedges takes to a new level an already ongoing critique of the Christian right developed in a spate
Arts & CultureBooks
Peter Heinegg
Holocaust literature that grimmest of subgenres may be said to have begun with Primo Levi 8217 s devastating and indispensable though wretchedly translated Survival in Auschwitz 1947 But Levi was little read at first not until the trial of Adolf Eichmann unforgettably reported by Hannah Ar
Arts & CultureBooks
John W. O’Malley
Most people find few aspects of Jesuit history more fascinating than the mission of the Jesuits to China Matteo Ricci invariably depicted wearing Mandarin dress has assumed legendary status as a precocious herald of cultural accommodation He was succeeded by such other Jesuits of heroic stature