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Arts & CultureBooks
Peter Heinegg
Once upon a time all Francophones were taught to write clearly and distinctly la Descartes nowadays it seems they are trying their best to write obscurely la Michel Foucault And Abdellah Hammoudi a Morocco-born Princeton anthropologist with a Ph D from the Sorbonne 1977 succeeds onl
Arts & CultureBooks
Graham Russell Hodges
In his 90th year, the indefatigable historian John Hope Franklin has written his life story. More than any other scholar, Franklin has made African-American history an essential part of American history.
Arts & CultureBooks
Franklin Freeman
Jorge Luis Borges the Argentinian writer of short elegant metaphysical fictional pieces wrote in 1957 A Manual of Fantastic Zoology In 1967 an expanded version was published under the title The Book of Imaginary Beings Two years later a further expanded edition appeared an edition that Andrew
Arts & CultureBooks
Rachelle Linner
Reviewed in our pages in 2006, 'One Nation Under God,' offers a vivid portrait of public prayer in American history.
Arts & CultureBooks
Gerald T. Cobb
In his new short story collection T C Boyle has gone a step further than William Butler Yeats who conveyed in his poem ldquo The Second Coming rdquo the alienation and disconnectedness of 20th-century life with the memorable image ldquo the falcon cannot hear the falconer rdquo Boyle descr
Arts & CultureBooks
William A. Galston
In Active Liberty Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer offers an alternative to Justice Antonin Scalia rsquo s advocacy of text-focused statutory interpretation and a constitutional jurisprudence that takes its bearings from original intent Instead Breyer argues statutory interpretation should lo