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A young woman is pictured in a file photo near her hostel in Yangon, Myanmar. (CNS photo/Myat Thu Kyaw, Reuters)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
The appeal was signed by the more than 40 of the foremost religious figures of this majority-Buddhist state, including Cardinal Charles Maung Bo.
Politics & SocietyVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Cardinal Charles Maung Bo has appealed to Christians and all people of faith “to pray for Hong Kong” following the imposition by China of a new national security law.
Politics & SocietyNews
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
Among those who are suffering the most during the pandemic are the Rohingya community, according to Caritas.
U.S. Redemptorist Father Joe Maier blesses a woman during Thai New Year festivities in 2018 at his Mercy Centre in Bangkok. The 80-year-old priest has been working in the slums of Bangkok for more than 40 years. (CNS photo/courtesy Tibor Krausz) 
Politics & SocietyGoodNews
Michael Sainsbury - Catholic News Service
A Redemptorist priest, Father Joe Maier, reflects on his nearly 50 years as a missionary in Bangkok, Thailand.
Arts & CultureBooks
Diane Scharper
Lawrence Wright's new thriller deals with the effects of a killer pandemic.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
The Chinese government recognizes five official religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestantism and Catholicism. Members of each of these religious groups must register before they can participate in religious services.