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Retired Bishop Gordon D. Bennett of Mandeville, Jamaica, poses for a photo with an attendees of the 12th National Black Catholic Congress on July 9 in Orlando. (CNS/courtesy Nancy Jo Davis, National Black Catholic Congress)
Anna J. Marchese
The Catholic Church in the United States boasts 71 million members, 2.9 million of whom are black. Representatives from that vibrant community met in Orlando in July for the National Black Catholic Congress. The event concluded with the prophet Micah’s call to “act justly, love goodness and walk humbly with your God.”
Arts & CultureArt
Cecilia González-Andrieu
At first encounter, Harmonia Rosales’s “The Creation of God” is striking. It is beautiful and familiar. Like Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam,” Rosales’s painting portrays the creation of humankind. However, the skin tones, gender and story being depicted by the artist are strikingly different.
Politics & Society
Kaya Oakes
St. Columba began celebrating Black Catholic History Month and Kwanzaa alongside the regular events in the liturgical calendar.
People take part in a protest against the killing of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and in support of Black Lives Matter during a march along Manhattan's streets in New York July 8, 2016. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz
Politics & SocietyIn All Things
Olga Segura
Content related to racism and discrimination can cause issues like anxiety and depression.
Washington, D.C. Protest. December 2014. istockphoto.com
Edward K. Braxton
"Sadly, I personally know black Catholics whose personal experience has led them to believe that their black lives do not really matter to the church."
Eric T. Styles
Not only is “Blackbird” a classic; in the voice of a gifted black artist, it can be prophetic