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Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
Seamas O'Reilly mines a family tragedy for mirth and good storytelling in 'Did Ye Hear Mammy Died?' James T. Keane offers his thoughts on this latest selection for the Catholic Book Club.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
Henri de Lubac, S.J., had a long career filled with many twists and turns—but he is recognized today as one of the giants of 20th-century Catholic theology.
Arts & CultureBooks
Ciaran Freeman
More than the costumes and settings, it is that humanity at the heart of Molly Shannon’s comedy which makes it Catholic to the core.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
Edwin O’Connor, whose life and literary career were abruptly cut short by his 1968 death at the age of 49, captured the imagination of his audience like few other authors of his time.
Charles Taylor at a conference at Fordham University
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
Charles Taylor, the Canadian philosopher and social theorist who has become one of the world’s most prominent thinkers in the last few decades, continues to influence American religious dialogues, including in the pages of 'America.'
Arts & CultureBooks
Robert Rubsam
'The Passenger' and 'Stella Maris,' Cormac McCarthy's elegiac, disputatious and deeply odd pair of new novels, offers a typically offbeat take on American culture and society.