While a new book of letters between Jack Miles and Mark C. Taylor uses the early months of the pandemic as the background and occasion for their letters, the friendship they display is vastly more interesting.
Powers’s chosen subjects—in cassocks or nay—are inevitably All-American, and his stories are careful studies of American mid-century life and ambition.
The doctrine of atonement has fallen into disfavor in some theological circles and into general neglect in Catholic life. Margaret Turek's new book offers insights about the doctrine's importance.
Evelyn Waugh's reputation has endured for almost a century as other novelists have fallen out of fashion. It wasn't because everyone thought him a jolly fellow.
From 1993: The second volume of a biography of Evelyn Waugh occasioned John W. Donohue, S.J., to offer a survey of the great English Catholic writer's life.