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Father Lancellotti distributes food to homeless people in front of São Paulo’s metropolitan cathedral. Photo: Luciney Martins.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Eduardo Campos Lima
The Rev. Júlio Lancellotti is São Paulo’s designated vicar for street people. He has been posting images of spikes and other elements of hostile architecture gathered from cell phone photos or video from all over Brazil.
In a still taken from “Unguarded” (© Camino NYC Productions), courtesy of its director of photography Bruno Tiezzi, a “recuperando,” for “those in recovery,” stands before the entrance to the prison, over which hangs the APAC slogan: “Here enters the person, the crime stays outside.”
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Stephen G. Adubato
Criminals “are not dangerous people. They are only people who are not sufficiently loved.”
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Eduardo Campos Lima
In a region of vast distances, weak infrastructure and a relatively small number of priests, religious and laywomen like Sister Laura are the mainstay of Catholic spirituality.
Brazilian Sisters of Providence celebrate a novice’s final vow ceremony with a ‘selfie’ in September 2020. Photo courtesy of Sisters of Providence
Filipe Domingues
Besides taking up the challenge of exploring new frontiers of evangelization in Africa, Asia and Latin America, Brazilian women religious have also become evangelizers of the “old continent,” Europe, where female vocations have radically declined in recent decades.
Eduardo Campos Lima
The invasion of public land by big landowners and illegal miners at the expense of Indigenous groups and small growers has led to record numbers of violent conflicts in Brazil’s rural and forest areas.
A street child in Salvador, Bahia in Brazil in May 2019. iStock photo.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Eduardo Campos Lima
“In every large city in Brazil, you can now see a greater number of kids begging for money or selling candy on the streets than before the pandemic.”