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FaithShort Take
Jim McDermott
As we celebrate St. Patrick's Day, it is good to look back on some of the saint's legendary accomplishments—some more legendary than others.
Arts & CultureBooks
Terence Sweeney
If contemplation and criticism can lead to imitation, then writing about the literary Christian left of the last century might help establish a literary Christian left for this century.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Jim McDermott
TV shows rarely get it right when depicting priests or men and women religious—but "The Sister Boniface Mysteries" offers a welcome look at a believable and positively portrayed woman in religious life.
Michael J. O’Loughlin
The vast majority of young, self-identified Catholics describe themselves as at least slightly spiritual and religious—but they practice their faith in ways that might not be familiar to older believers.
Laura Ieraci - Catholic News Service
A national network of institutes of Catholic thought will soon launch as part of a new $3.65 million grant, issued by the John Templeton Foundation Feb. 1.
Arts & CultureVantage Point
Myles Connolly
Myles Connolly on American Catholic writers: “I can’t read them, and few others can, for the simple reason that I and the others do not care to be bored.”