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Arts & CultureIdeas
Michael O’Brien
Should a Catholic Church ever be a movie set? From our most iconic movies to some regrettable music videos, it's a question that has been asked many times and answered in different ways.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jenny Shank
Silvia Moreno-Garcia's novels 'Silver Nitrate' and 'Mexican Gothic' feature complicated heroines, compelling plots and supernatural elements solidly grounded in research.
FaithShort Take
Delaney Coyne
The ongoing sexual abuse scandal involving the Rev. Marko Rupnik is another reminder of what the church needs to do to deal with this continuing plague.
Arts & CultureBooks
Robert E. Lauder
The good news for anyone whose literary tastes have been strongly influenced by the Catholic novels of Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh, Francois Mauriac, Georges Bernanos and more is this: The new Alice McDermott novel, 'Absolution,' has arrived.
Arts & CultureBooks
Nick Ripatrazone
'Big Fiction' is a book full of cogent analysis, ambitious argument, juicy quotes from insiders and a demonstration of the central role of Catholics in American publishing.
FaithFaith and Reason
Zachary Taylor
Many Catholics today fail to appreciate the meaning and moral value of remembrance on All Souls’ Day—though praying for the dead was central to early Christian practice.