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Arts & CultureBooks
Maureen K. Day
Maureen Day is an assistant professor of religion and society at the Franciscan School of Theology and the author of Catholic Activism Today: Personal Transformation and the Struggle for Social Justice.
FaithFaith and Reason
John Carr
Catholic social teaching offers us principles for reflection, criteria for judgment, guidelines for action which can guide our individual, institutional and national choices.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Kevin Jackson
A changing legal landscape in college sports has renewed the discussion of what is “fair” for college athletes when it comes to compensation.
FaithFaith and Reason
Christiana Zenner
Anand Giridharadas comes to conclusions that are consonant with the works of Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI.
Arts & CultureBooks
Aidan Johnson
In her brilliant new book, Martha Nussbaum argues for a thrilling vision: the whole biosphere conceived and treated as a “cosmic city,” in which humans carefully do their part to ensure that the capabilities of all creatures can be activated as much as possible.
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Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
Ryan Di Corpo
The quest for profit goes too far, he said, when businesses desert the workers and communities that made them profitable in the first place simply to make goods more cheaply in other countries.